Exploring the Pallas’s Cat Natural Habitat

Leave a comment / / Updated on: 25th September 2023

pallas's cat habitat
The Pallas’s cat (Otocolobus manul) | Banu R via Getty Images

The Pallas’s cat looks a lot like a regular house cat, but it lives in a habitat where no house cat dares to venture—the rugged high-altitude mountains and steppe of Central Asia. 

This small wildcat shares its habitat with big cats like snow leopards and has a wide range of adaptations that allow it to thrive in such difficult terrain. 

Very little is known about this cat, partly because of the difficult nature of its home range but also because it has mastered the art of camouflage, which helps it blend in perfectly with the surrounding rocks. 

However, understanding the Pallas’s cat’s habitat is needed to better determine their conservation status and raise ecological awareness about them. 

In this article, we’ll explore the mystery of this cat’s unique habitat and how it manages to survive there. 

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Pallas’s Cat Taxonomy and Evolutionary Context

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Pallas’s Cat resting on big trunk | Antagain via Getty Images

The scientific name of the Pallas’s cat is Otocolobus manul

It is sometimes called the rock wildcat, steppe cat, or manul. 

These names refer to the unique habitat where this cat is typically found. 

It is a member of the Felidae family that includes all the cats. 

Within the Felidae family, the Pallas’s cat is further classified in the subfamily Felinae, along with other small cats like pumas, cheetahs, and caracals. 

Feline cats are generally incapable of roaring like the big cats, so they purr instead.  

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Gage Beasley’s Pallas’s Cat Stuffed Plush Toy

The Pallas’s cat is one of the oldest living cat species. 

All modern felids evolved in Asia during the Late Miocene Epoch, about 23 million years ago. 

They’re most closely related to the leopard cats, with both cats diverging from their common ancestor about 8.5 million years ago. 

Because of its similarities with the domestic cat (Felis catus), the Pallas’s cat was once placed in the same genus. 

However, this has since been revised, and the Pallas’s cat is now classified separately in the Otocolobus genus. 

The Elusive Cat’s Physical Characteristics

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Does it really look like a grumpy house cat? | Antagain via Getty Images

The Pallas’s cat looks like a grumpy house cat. 

It is a small wild cat almost the same size as domestic cats but with a stockier build. 

It has an average length of about 46 to 65 centimeters, but its legs are short and stout. 

It weighs between five and nine pounds on average. 

The stocky build is an adaptation that helps to conserve body heat, which is important in the extremely cold environment where it lives.  

It also has a dense coat of fur, which helps to keep it warm.  

To blend in within its rocky and bare habitat, the color of the Pallas’s cat’s coat is typically tan, gray, or a pale yellowish to reddish hue. 

This color may change slightly during certain seasons to enhance the cat’s camouflage. 

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Take a close look at the fur | slowmotiongli via Getty Images

The cat’s fur also has white tips, which gives them an almost-frosted appearance. 

The Pallas’s cat has a flattened face. 

The small round ears of this cat barely extend beyond its head, which helps to keep the cat hidden when it peers over rocks and other objects in its habitat.  

The ears are covered in dense fur, protecting against extreme cold. 

They also have well-developed nictitating membranes (third eyelid), which protect against cold winds and dust storms that occur regularly in some parts of their range. 

In its rocky habitat, being an adept climber is essential for pursuing prey. 

Consequently, the Pallas’s cat has retractable claws, which it uses for climbing cliff faces and rocky crevices with relative ease. 

Pallas’s Cat Habitat Overview

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The Pallas’s Cat in the cold and arid steppes of central Asia | kjekol via Getty Images

The Pallas’s cat lives in the high-altitude steppes and plateaus of Central Asia. 

The cat’s range is typically situated at elevations of about 3,000 to 5,000 meters (9,800 to 16,400 feet) above sea level. 

The cat’s choice of high-altitude areas allows it to escape the sweltering heat of lower elevations in this region during the scorching summer months.

Typical habitats of the manul within these high-altitude areas include grasslands and shrublands. 

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Pallas’s cat in a desertland area | eli77 via Getty Images

But they’re mostly desertland and rocky areas with very sparse vegetation cover. 

The color of the Pallas’s cat’s fur provides exceptional camouflage against the rocky and arid backdrop, so it stays hidden from both predators and prey. 

Pallas’s cat populations are found in various Central Asia countries, including Turkmenistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Nepal, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Mongolia, and Russia. 

Within these countries, the cat’s distribution can vary based on local ecological conditions.

Habitat-Specific Behavior

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Can you spot the Pallas’s cat? | ValentiDaze via Getty Images

The Pallas’s cat is an elusive predator that prefers to stay hidden most of the time. 

This behavior is perfect for the remote habitat where it lives. 

It often takes shelter in caves and rock crevices, which are quite abundant within its typical habitat. 

The Pallas’s cat does not make its own burrows. 

Instead, it lives in natural caves, crevices, or burrows made by other animals, such as marmots. 

The cat switches den based on the climate or general ecological conditions where they live.

The summer den and maternal dens for raising their young are typically closer to rocky habitats away from direct sunlight and well-hidden from predators. 

During the winter, the dens are often closer to the ravines. 

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Pallas’s Cat in the winter snow | ValerijaP via Getty Images

They are territorial, maintaining a vast territory that may sometimes overlap with several females.

The typical territory of a male can be between 3.5 and seven square miles. 

This range is unusually large for such a small cat. 

Pallas’s cats are crepuscular for most of the year, which means they’re most active during low-light periods of the day, such as at dawn and dusk. 

The temperature is more favorable for them during this time of the day. 

The typical prey of the Pallas’s cat also tends to come out or return to their dens or burrow during this period. 

But they’re often more active during the day between September and  November. 

Dietary Preferences in Its Natural Environment

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The Pika, one of the Pallas’s cat’s favorite prey | Banu R via Getty Images

Pallas’s cats are carnivores. 

They mainly hunt small rodents but may sometimes prey on lizards and birds. 

The Pallas’s cat’s preferred prey, such as pikas, gerbils, hamster volves, and other small mammals, also thrives in the semi-arid to arid landscapes of Central Asia where the cat lives. 

The Pallas’s cat is an ambush predator.

Rather than chase prey through the rocky hills, it often waits for prey at the entrance of rodent burrows or even sticks its paws into the burrow to scoop out prey. 

The preferred prey of this cat may depend on the specific rodents that are more abundant in its habitat. 

Reproduction and Habitat Dynamics

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This cute baby Manul was exploring her surroundings as mother always kept a watching eye on her baby. | Sake_van_Pelt via Getty Images

Pallas’s cats exhibit seasonal reproduction.

Their breeding season typically occurs in late winter or early spring. 

This timing is important because it ensures that the young are born during warmer months when prey species are more abundant within their habitat. 

Pallas’s cats are solitary, meaning they do not form long-term pairs or prides even during the breeding season. 

Male Pallas’s cats have vast territories that overlap with the range of several females. 

This means they have to travel extensively over rocky terrains to find females. 

This Pallas’s Cat is looking for the one | ValerijaP via Getty Images

Females, on the other hand, maintain smaller territories within their habitat. 

After a gestation period of about two-and-a-half months, female Pallas’s cats give birth to a litter of typically two to six kittens. 

The kittens are born in dens or burrows, well hidden from the elements and potential predators.

Due to the harsh nature of the Pallas’s cat’s habitat, their mortality is quite high. 

Up to half of the kittens don’t make it into full adulthood. 

Ecosystem Role and Interactions

The Pallas’s Cat in rocky terrain | eli77 via Getty Images

The steppe and rocky areas where the Pallas’s cat is found are home to several small mammals. 

Digging and feeding activities of these rodents can have damaging effects on the vegetation cover, especially when their population becomes too high. 

The Pallas’s cat plays a vital ecological role as a predator of these rodents because it helps regulate their populations. 

This maintains the health and balance of plant communities within their habitat.  

Although it’s not an apex predator like the snow leopard, which also lives in the same region, it still contributes to the overall ecological balance of its typical habitat. 

Threats to Pallas’s Cat Habitat

A close-up of the Pallas’s cat’s face | Denisapro via Getty Images

The Pallas’s cat is listed as a species of least concern on the IUCN Red List of endangered animals.

While this means the Pallas’s cat isn’t currently at risk of extinction, the typical habitat of this cat is still under threat. 

Human activities such as deforestation, mining, and infrastructure projects cause fragmentation of the Pallas’s cat’s habitats, putting their population at risk. 

Also, efforts to control the manul’s typical prey, such as grassland poisoning to control rodent populations, may indirectly affect the Pallas’s cat.

Conservation Efforts and Future Prospects

Pallas’s cats hiding on top of a branch | slowmotiongli via Getty Images

Conservationists are actively researching this species to get more data about their population and better understand the ecological pressures faced by the Pallas’s cat within their habitat,

This has yielded a wide range of conservation initiatives aimed at protecting this cat and its habitat. 

Conservation groups such as the Pallas’s Cat Working Group and the Pallas’s Cat International Conservation Alliance are actively working to protect the habitat of these cats in the wild. 

This has yielded results locally in some places. 

Our knowledge of the habitat and distribution of this cat has increased in recent years.

About 12% of the Pallas’s cat’s range in Mongolia now lies within protected areas. 

Conservation organizations are also working with governments across other countries to establish and expand protected areas and national parks within the cat’s range.

These areas will provide vital refuges where Pallas’s cats and their prey can thrive undisturbed.

Due to high mortality, breeding Pallas’s cats in captivity is difficult, but efforts to do this have yielded better results over the past few years. 

As of 2018, more than 177 Pallas’s cats were being raised in captivity in zoos across Europe, North America, and Japan. 


Pallas’s cats live in rocky and scrubby habitats within high-elevated areas in Central Asia. 

Their stocky build and dense fur help to keep them warm in the cold and harsh climate of their typical habitats. 

Pallas’s cats have also developed various behavioral adaptations that allow them to thrive within their habitat. 

They are slow runners but rely on camouflage to hunt prey with great stealth. 

Despite being well-adapted to live in the mountains, Pallas’s cats have a high mortality. 

This is partly due to environmental pressures they face but also because their habitat is threatened by human activities. 

The Pallas’s cat is an important predator that helps to keep prey populations under control. 

Their continued presence in the region where they’re found is vital to the balance of the local ecosystem, so investing efforts in Pallas’s cat conservation and protection is vital. 

Support efforts to protect the unique habitat of this elusive feline by learning more about them and supporting organizations dedicated to their conservation.


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