A List of the Endangered Species of Bahrain

Leave a comment / / Updated on: 14th October 2023

The flag of the Kingdom of Bahrain
The flag of the Kingdom of Bahrain / bortonia via Istock

Bahrain is a small island country located in the Persian Gulf between Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

In total, the country is made up of 33 islands, and the landscape is primarily desert.

Plenty of plants and wildlife exist in Bahrain that are beautiful, and unique.

While there are no endangered species in Bahrain, there are still plenty of animals experiencing a population decline. 

This article will go over species that may become endangered in Bahrain.

Threats like pollution, habitat loss, and climate change are reasons why animals may see a decline in population. 

Learning about the animals that are losing their populations, and the threats they face are important in preserving endangered species.

Let’s take a look at the threatened animals in Bahrain, and the dangers these animals face. 

Gage Beasley's Prehistoric Plush Collection
Gage Beasley’s Prehistoric Plush Collection

4. Lesser Flamingo

A flock of Lesser Flamingos near a body of water
A flock of Lesser Flamingos near a body of water | Lip Kee via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 2.0

The lesser flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor) , while not endangered, is a species classified as “Near Threatened”, as a species by the IUCN.

The greater flamingo is the second species of flamingo that lives in Bahrain, but that species is more common. 

Salty lakes and other types of wetland habitats are common places the lesser flamingos live.

These pink birds live in large flocks that can get as large as thousands of members.

A juvenile Lesser Flamingo feeding at Jamnagar, India
A juvenile Lesser Flamingo feeding at Jamnagar, India | Savithri Singh via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

 Lesser pink flamingos only weigh around 3 to 6 lbs., and are also the smallest flamingo species standing at around 1.4 ft tall.

They have thin legs and use their beaks to feed on aquatic life like sharp, and larvae. 

Bahrain flamingos are migratory, and while sighted in the area may also leave due to bad weather conditions, and a lack of habitat.

In the waters within their flock, they stand on one leg and regularly reach down to look for food.

3. Eurasian Curlew

Eurasian Curlew
Eurasian Curlew | Andreas Trepte via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 2.5

The Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata) is classified as a “near threatened” bird species and is a species found in Bahrain.

This bird has an extremely wide range and is found across Europe and Asia.

Grasslands, farmland, and estuaries are the habitats they live in. 

A small bird, their color is primarily greyish brown, but they also have a mottled white pattern on them.

Their beaks are long, and their legs are thin.

Standing at a height of around 24 inches, these birds only weigh between 0.9 to 3 lbs. 

Clutch of Eurasian Curlew eggs
Clutch of Eurasian Curlew eggs | Image via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

Small insects, crabs, and shrimps are what this bird typically eats.

On some occasions, they may feed on small fish or eggs.

The main predator the Eurasian curlew faces is the red fox.

The population decline of the Eurasian curlew is mainly due to habitat loss, and fragmentation.

The global population of this bird is estimated to range between 800,000 to 1.3 million.

Over the last 15 years, their population is estimated to have dropped around 15 to 20 %.

2. European Roller

A European roller bringing food to her nest
A European roller bringing food to her nest | Andy Morffew via Wikipedia CC BY 2.0

The estimated population of the European roller (Coracias garrulus) is estimated to be around 100,000 to 200,000 birds.

While found in Bahrain, this bird species is found in other warm regions like parts of Iran, east-central Europe, and northern Africa. 

Dry, and warm areas with lots of trees are where the European roller prefers to live.

They inhibit oak, and pine woodlands, as well as farmlands, and mixed vegetation regions. 

European Roller with a centipede
European Roller with a centipede | Christian Svane via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 2.5

European rollers are medium-sized birds, with a body size of around 13 inches, and a weight of 15 oz.

Beautiful blue colors cover this species, and they have orange markings on their body. 

Like many other bird species, the European roller has experienced a decrease in population due to things like habitat loss, hunting, and agricultural practices. 

1. Western Reef Heron

Western reef heron
Western reef heron | Shantanu Kuveskar via Wikimedia CC BY-SA 4.0

Western reef herons (Egretta gularis) are found in tropical habitats like Bahrain  CT coop, Africa, and East India.

Coastal wetlands are the habitats this species lives in, and breeding occurs in the spring and fall months. 

Western reef herons are white, bluish, dark gray, or black, with long legs, and a yellow bill.

They are medium-sized and have long bills.

E. g. gularis dark morph in flight
E. g. gularis dark morph in flight | Charles J. Sharp via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 4.0

Fish, crustaceans, and other shelled aquatic life are what this bird eats.

Their eggs, and young may become prey to animals like rats, cats, and predatory birds. 

Habitat destruction is one of the main causes of the decline of the heron population around the world.

While the western reef heron is not endangered, habitat loss has still affected this species, but their population seems stable. 


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